List of my favourite movies
- American History X
- King Kong
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Passion of the Christ
- The Terminal
- Operation: Daybreak
- The Great Escape
- Mackenna's Gold
- Blood Diamond
- K-Pax
- Hotel Rwanda
- Lion King
- Independence Day
- I am Sam
- Mystic River
- Troy
- Black Hawk Down
- Gladiator
- Star Wars Series
Sunday, April 29, 2007
then it looks at me with its eyes (i know there's no other way it can see) and tells me "TAKE ME IN YOU IDIOT"
I really am tempted to.. but achan says no.. tinuviel (my cat) is bound to get scared and will most likely attack her because of Hobbes (tinuviel's kid)
she gave birth a couple of weeks back.. sadly we lost 3. Hobbes is the only smart one there. She seemed really sad when we took the bodies of the other one's away. Understandable. Mother's concern. In fact, when it came to number 3 she started crying (not literally.. meowing crying).. i felt really sorry for her then..
Hobbes was one chap (im not sure of the gender).. it hangs on to her belly most of the time.. the other buggers had no idea what to do. survival of the fittest i guess..
maybe i can convince mohammad ikka to take the cat outside.
Friday, April 27, 2007
1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it
Scar - Hmm...................... the time I fell down while playing football on the road.. well.. i was playing on the road.. and i get the ball (pretend im ruud van nistelrooy) "Its Ruud with the ball.. he's got past one.. he's clear.. there's no goalkeeper.. he kicks the ball.. and.. he goes through the goalposts.. and the ball follows!"
2. What is on the walls in your room?
err.. posters.. Maiden posters.. two of em.. Ozzy.. Arjen Robben... Hendrix..
3. What does your phone look like.
4. What music do you listen to?
Heavy Metal.. lots of Iron Maiden.. Power Metal.. i like Kamelot.. Nightwish.. erm.. thrash metal.. Megadeth, Pantera, Testament......... lots of stuff...
5. What is your current desktop picture?
Francesco Totti sucking his thumb
6. What do you want more than anything right now?
I want to reverse time and be able to watch Maiden perform in Bangalore. I missed it.
7. Do you believe in gay marriage?
well.. i DO believe in it.. because its legal in Holland and the Czech Republic.. i think..
8. What time were you born?
11 AM methinks
9. Are your parents still together?
10. What are you listening to?
listening to my mum talk on the phone
11. Do you get scared of the dark?
yea.. right..
12. The last person to make you cry?
Iron Maiden.
13. What is your favourite perfume/cologne?
Axe.. very stereotyped.
14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the opposite sex?
Hair - I want a bald girlfriend. seriously though.. it doesnt matter...
15. Do you like pain killers?
Painkiller? in the singular yes.. a cracking song........ .......... painkillers.. as in the tablets.. well.. if i suffer from some sort of pain.
16. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
17. Fave pizza topping?
any non veg topping would do.. though i like mushrooms a lot..
18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
19. Who was the last person you made mad?
my mum
20. Is anyone in love with you?
you .. because you're reading my blog.. if you're not in love with me.. you must be insane!
I tag.. karishma (if she's reading).. AJ.. mum.. anil (if he cares to), meera (yes, meera) and.......... anyone who wants to..
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Jose Mourinho Eats Burger
Jose Mourinho allegedly left Stamford Bridge early for a McDonalds to eat a burger. Symptomatic of the decaying relations between Mourinho and Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich is the fact that Mourinho did not invite Abramovich.
Although the contents of the burger are not known, the price is rumoured to be around 100 Million Dollars. Could this be Mourinho's new signing? Stamford Bridge refused comment.
However, when contacted, Jose Mourinho said, "We are good.. so we eat burger.. others drink soup."
Roman Abramovich said, "I feel hurt that Jose ate a burger without inviting me and the rest of the team.."
No Shorts for Number 7!
Sources at Old Trafford said that there arent any shorts that fit United Number 7, Cristiano Ronaldo. Allegedly, a clause in the Portuguese winger's new contract states that he will get all his shorts from a different source than United's sponsor - Nike.
Whether this could be a clue as to Ronaldo's poor eating habits, we do not know.
Captain Gary Neville issued the following statement, "Bollocks".
Fabregas suffers from vision impairment
Arsenal Coach, Arsene Wenger, admitted that Spanish Midfielder Francesc Fabregas suffers from vision impairment. Wenger said on friday night, "Zis is a really big problam for ze squad. Cesc is not able to zee very cleaarly. Zis resulted in him putting ze ball in his own net against Reading at ze Emirates Stadium."
Fabregas is determined to fight off his impairment. The Spanish International said, "Paul Scholes had a problem with his eye sight. I'm not as good as Paul Scholes, but I will try..."
Paul Scholes meanwhile said, "Eh?"
Friday, April 13, 2007
But Trees are way too beautiful not to be around. I wish I could go around planting trees on the side of the road. But its virtually impossible.
1) It will take a hell of a lot of time to grow (I have no patience)
2) Someone is sure to dump garbage over it.
Its a pity that garbage disposal is one of the main problems in our state. Kerala is very beautiful. Especially during the monsoon season. Its breathtaking. The rains, lightning showers .. the swaying of trees in the distance. Magnificent.
But we have Garbage all round on the road. I mean, tourists STILL visit Cochin even though the garbage problem exists. What will happen if we get RID of all the muck on the street. We're sure to get more tourists. But.. the State Government is stupid. They dont know what they're missing out. They dont know a thing in fact, except how to line their own pockets.
We can beautify this place. Simple steps are all thats required.
1) Dump your garbage in the correct place. Not by the side of the road. Atleast the corporation collects the garbage that you put in the right bins.
2) Plant trees. Look after them. They're beautiful!
3) Be Polite to tourists. Not polite as in go out of your way to help them. Though I see nothing wrong in this. If they ask you for directions.. point them in the right direction, dont give them wrong directions.
Dont fight the system. Its futile. Instead, try and do what the system has been failing to do. Its our city, our state and our country after all. Sure we have a few corrupt chaps as MPs, but we can do better than them for sure.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
As a kid, I've had the privilege of attending MANY a doctors conference (nowadays, I do my best to avoid them). Most of the ones that I attend are "family" events, though I may have attended a couple of doctors workshops or conferences as a volunteer. In this case, I was forced to sit through the entire "I would NOT recommend surgery, however there is a new drug called Phenobarbiton.. which .. blah blah"
The scary thing is. Doctors are your friendly medical aide in the mornings. At Night Time, they change into WILD PARTY ANIMALS! No kidding. I'm serious. They all get drunk on whisky and cheap scotch during such conferences, and EVERYTHING is a mess. A Conference is a good conference when there's whisky. Its worth remembering.
Its pretty scary though. You realise that you've put your life in the hands of this lot! Oh My god! What have I done. I mean.. do you really want a drunk person cracking really bad jokes performing delicate surgery on you (I agree, they're not drunk when they perform surgery, hopefully, but there is that side to them!)?
Cracking bad jokes is a must for doctors. They think its really funny. I have so far had the privelege to meet 2 geniuinely funny doctors. The rest crack jokes almost as bad as mine. Ever heard of the Ophthalmologist who asked his guests if they wanted "glasses".
Next time you go to a doctor, keep your wits about you.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Kids are fun. Sometimes, I wish I was a kid again, to go back and do things right. Maybe I'll turn out much better then. But no, then I think. Oh crap! I've to relive all this again! Then I think, maybe its BETTER that I DONT become a kid again.
Who wants to write two board exams again?
Who wants to go through the whole process of learning to ride a bicycle? I mean. I hated LEARNING. Now that I know, I dont mind reading. Learning it was such a painful process. Its because I kept falling. I remember this one time I skinned my knee REALLY badly.
I've gotten hurt quite badly a couple of times. Take this one time. I was playing football on the road (Really hot. So, the road is hot as well right). Anyway, somebody plays me in with a fantastic through ball, which is quite hard, cause the road is really small. I was always a Ruud Van Nistelrooy fan, so I go.. RUUD! Will he finish.. he kicks.. and he stumbles.. falls.. ruud is sliding through past the makeshift goalposts (two stones) and ruud.. and the ball follows him.. GOAL!
Meanwhile, Ruud's leg is skinned real bad. you can still see the scars on my left leg. It took one week of going to the hospital and getting it dressed with magnesium something. hurt like hell.
but beat this.
a week later, Ruud is back in action. HE REPEATS THE FEAT!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
There is no plot.
Messenger 1: Give us earth and water?
King: Sorry man, this isnt an Inn.
Messenger: Xerxes asks you for earth and water.
King: well, if you go down the road, and take a right, you'll see an inn. ask for bob.
King: What? you insulted me. and my wife.
MessengeR: I never insulted your wife..
King: You lying bastard. Meet me at the plains of godforsaken land by the sea. But wait, before that LET ME KILL YOU.
*pushes guy into the well*
King: THIS IS SPARTA. Not some random Inn!
King: I shall go seek the help of the council of elders, who are sure to refuse helping me. Especially since one guy is a selfish bastard.
Council: The weird guys with leprosy said you cant go
King: Yea, but look..
Council: NO . NO WAR. Lets just perish here instead. Much more fun.
King: Right, im just gonna take my bodygaurds who cant die.
Council: Oh well, no point in stopping him.
*Kings bodyguards go and kick the butt of a million men*
Xerxes: Man, this king is kicking my ass. And this weird costume isnt helping me think.
Freak: Help me, and ill help you.
Xerxes: Oh lord, someone take this monster out of my siight!!
Freak: You bitch, listen to me.. I can help you beat that guy.
Xerxes: Okay okay, blindfold me first though. Geez, and I thought I was a freak. All because of those GROW LONG tablets dad made me have.
Freak: I'm beginning to wonder why I'm helping him.
Xerxes: Right, I'll give you loads of hot weird girls if you help me out. I really dont know WHY these hot girls listen to me. I could well be a girl, if not for my freaky voice.
Freak: yea yea.. just shut up and follow me alright?
*Freak, who is a traitor, helps Xerxes kill our King friend*
King: Ahh, tell the story of the brave 300.
Weird Director: Sure, let me convert it into a boring movie.