List of my favourite movies
- American History X
- King Kong
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Passion of the Christ
- The Terminal
- Operation: Daybreak
- The Great Escape
- Mackenna's Gold
- Blood Diamond
- K-Pax
- Hotel Rwanda
- Lion King
- Independence Day
- I am Sam
- Mystic River
- Troy
- Black Hawk Down
- Gladiator
- Star Wars Series
Friday, December 21, 2007
Its about time I saw this beautiful city again. I havent been here since august. I was away at Jamshedpur for a few days, then I felt lazy, which is why I havent blogged.
Cochin is just the way I remember it, I know it cant have changed in four months.......!
I'm feeling lazy now, I'll update this later
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
im in delhi for another two days. unfortunately im going back to loyola after that. which sucks. but.......
the thing bout delhi is.. its clean. especially when you come from chennai.
its noisy.
its polluted.
people make out in lodhi gardens.
people drive like madmen.
GURGAON is NOT in DELHI. nor is NOIDA apparently
Bus system sucks.
Metro Rules
CP is nice.
I'm sick of Priya.
If I see another mall ill throw up.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
(In no particular order)
1) See Maiden in Concert
2) Climb Everest
3) Backpack across Europe
4) Go to Brazil
5) Watch Manchester United versus Arsenal at Old Trafford
Five Things I Will Not Do Even If It Kills Me
1) Dye my hair pink
2) Go for a Britney Spears concert
3) Sit next to PITA for a day
4) Pay for the IMOC (thanks Arry)
5) Join the Shiv Sena
Five Things I Do When I’m Away From The Public
1) Air Guitar
2) Sleep
3) Kick the wall
4) Create fantasies involving me playing a vital role in the Man Utd defence
5) Oh, you really dont want to know
Five Fave Sentences/Quotes
"I'm going to my cousin sisters place" - Zothan
"I have no money" Abhinandan
"You suck" Fatso/Loser/Me
"SCREAM FOR ME!" Bruce Dickinson
"Dhan dhan dhan *funky guitar solo*" Me
Five Things I’ll Make You Wish You Didnt Do, If You Did
make me clean up my room
ask me to take a bath
go to a discotheque
Five People To Tag
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I'll admit I never really enjoyed reading until I read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone when I was 11. The only other books (?) I had read until then were Tinkle, Amar Chitra Katha, Asterix and Tintin.
So then I pick up this wonderful book by JK Rowling cause everyone was raving about it and I didnt want to be left out you see. I read it and liked it. Not loved it, liked it. So I decided to read the remaining books in the series. Up until recently, when it FINALLY got over!
But over the years I read other books. After Harry Potter, I tried reading more fantasy books such as Artemis Fowl (which i absolutely detested). Then I read Lord of the Rings, which I LOVED! It took me nearly three months to finish, because of the fact that I was 12 and wasnt used to English like
"Frodo hath never gone thither, but wished to go hither to defeat the dark lord on his dark throne, in the land of Mordor where shadows lie;but Aragorn, ElfFriend, was always wary that he who went hither, never went thither. And since Theoden King was the burden the men of Rohan carried, but Eomer King rides in battle now, then Gandalf the Grey is using magics to defeat the Witch of Angmar and his EVIL FORCES."
You get the drift.
After which I read random books such as
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the night time and such.
Then I read Adrian Mole, which made me laugh so much that I was clutching my stomach and rolling on the floor. I love the way Sue Townsend writes!
Then I read Eragon. Boring shit. But that didnt stop me from reading Eldest!
I tried reading Frank Herbert's Dune but it was way too boring. So was Heart of Darkness.
Speaking of boring books, try Gunter Grass' The Tin Drum. It is AMAZINGLY BORING AND RIDICULOUSLY STUPID!
Then I read Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men". Brilliance. I loved Steinbeck immediately. I went on to read "The moon is down" and "The Pearl".
The thing that captures me about in Of Mice and Men is George's helplessness over Lennies 'condition' and how he had to resort to such desperate methods to deal with it. It is beautiful. I cried at the end of the book. Steinbeck writes amazingly well..
What are you doing still reading this. Steinbeck writes better than me too (hard to believe, yes)... GO OUT AND READ HIS BOOKS!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
I was very impressed with both Anderson and Simpson. Pique was pretty okay too. I'm not happy with Nani, his dribbling is good, his shooting is good, but his crosses are poor. As a winger, he should put in better crosses.
So today was Micro Economics. No comment.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Well, that was quite a holiday I took from blogging. I've been away. I had a blast.
So we leave from here on a friday (I dont even remember the date correctly, but I think it was 14th).. and we reach Delhi on Sunday. Over here, Chotumama (who waited 6 hours) picks me up and we head off to Gurgaon. I spend the day there (with beer!) and in the evening its time to leave again.
I go with Meera to Hazrat Nizammudin Station (pardon me if I spelt it wrong) and meet the rest of the chumps there. After that we head off towards Sawai Madhopur (spelling is wrong for sure!) and we reach there at I think 1 in the morning. Our transport from the station to the tent place (I dunno where it was) was by open top trucks. Now, at one in the morning, open top trucks are fun, as hell!! Me, Arjun and Bharat were tripping on The Beatles (rather SINGING Beatles songs) while the rest of the chumps were staring at the stars. Stars were beautiful. Never in my life have I seen so many of them out at night. Zothan wanted to see a ghost, but he was sorely disappointed when no banshee/ghoul jumped out at us from the forest and started drinking our blood.
We reach there in about an hour and we see tents. We see toilets without flushes. We see toilets with gaps in them (for voyeurs). We see everything by then. But fun is just on its way.
Now the next day, while everyone is in plenary and shouting their lungs out (except me and Arjun, who is bathing). I was guarding the bathroom and making sure nobody got in. He's very shy you see.
Anyway, while we were all in our respective places, a tent catches fire. There's loads of stuff in there worth loads of money! The MC gets pissed and we decide to move venue. Not a small task. 350 people for 5 days.. certainly not a small task. But it happens! And we're off to some new venue which apparently was only 40 kms from Jaipur but Arjun thought (and I suspiciously agree with him) that we were in Iraq. I mean, we were transported there during the night, when everyone was asleep, nobody saw anything. And we were taken away from there in the dead of the night as well! What is with that?
Anyway, we are there, the new venue and we are given rooms. Certainly not permanent rooms. There wouldnt be any fun if we werent given new rooms every two days and made to carry our bags around! Hehe. Small joke, I hope nobody got offended.
So that night, we decide (very unwisely) that WE WILL NOT SLEEP! So loads of us machas and machis from Chennai decided to stay awake a view the Rajasthani sunrise, because its so different from sunrises elsewhere. So we saw the sunrise.
Next morning the conference begins.
I just have a few things to say
1) The Jives were amazing. Apparently you can find jives on youtube!
2) The history session was pretty boring (Sam said he was sleepy that day.. anyway)
3) My FLC was the best (everyone says this)
4) My Faci was the best (refer above)
5) I didnt want to leave after the conference (refer above)
So anyway, the night the conference got over, after being kicked in the nose by an OC member (I'm sorry, if you're reading this, I dont know your name). We leave for Delhi (Gurgaon, okay fine!). We reach there early in the morning and I have a fever, so I dont give a rat's ass about anything other than hitting the sack, which I do eventually. I wake up and breakfast (bread and eggs and maggi, for vegetarians) is being served. I eat two slices of bread, which to my mouth (because of the fever) was tasteless.
I go back to sleep and when I wake up again, amazingly, its time for lunch! McDonalds delivery man arrives and we eat McDonalds burgers (obviously, the McD's delivery man does not deliver Pizza's). And then, tragedy!
Due to a host of reasons, 14 of us miss the train back to Chennai (very sad, no?) and ten of us are still stuck between two traffic signals in Gurgaon. Now, anyone who's been to Gurgaon knows that there's no such thing as public transport there. So we try to get ANY form of transport that comes our way.
And salvation comes in the form of a Goods/Cargo auto! So technically 5 of us got smuggled into New Delhi for 300 bucks. All we had to do according to the driver was shut up, sit down and keep quiet! Zothan, Sam, Gautam, Avinash and myself are in this. Sam is from Zambia and he doesnt have his passport with him at the time. Double thrill!
We reach the station late, obviously and we decide to book tickets for a train the next day, which we do.
We spend the night at a house. I dont know who's house it was, but whosoever's house it was, we are eternally grateful! And we also thank Anica for taking us there.
The fact still remains, like Zothan says, we have so much bragging rights for being smuggled into the capital!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Anyway, good news from the AIESEC end. Gautam, Zo and I have gotten in. This means (I think it does) that we are going to Jaipur (or are we?). The "Orientation thingy" is on saturday. I shall tell all ye people who are not in AIESEC (take Vishnu, sitting right next to me, for instance), how good it is!
Anywho, the point really being that I finally got a train pass. Now I do not have to wait in the ticket counter and purchase a ticket.. for I-HAVE-A-TRAIN-PASS! (PITA made me say this)
The band front (or back) is going really well too. We now have 4 members .. Cutiepie Chora (Abhinandan), Gautama Buddha (Gautam) and Ram (no name yet) and of course moi.
The french front is going badly, I just realised I want to KILL the language. how unfortunate that this is not really possible
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
PITA stands for Pain in the Arse, which he is, but his PITAish powers seem to have reduced. This man is the humour of class, not that he's really funny or anything, but if we didnt have him to laugh at, then we would have to pay more attention to the Curve of Diminishing Marginal Utility or something equally unimportant.
Unlike Abhinandan, PITA does not name dogs or befriend them. In fact, he doesnt do anything to/with dogs (unless you count abhinandan, zothan or me).
Well, the thing about PITA is, he's looking for girls, (just like the rest of us). Where are they? If you're a girl from Chennai, tell me, where are you?
If you're not a girl in Chennai, then come to Chennai (provided you're a girl of course). Drop whatever it is you're doing and study BA French or something at Loyola.
Friday, July 27, 2007
the harry potter book of course i finished.. i enjoyed it.. i dont care what you think.. i enjoyed it.. im listening to nightwish again.. "nemo", mother, if you must know.. its playing on repeat on my mp3 player..
still havent met a girl..
abhinandan is growing increasingly desperate in his attempt to meet a girl, so much so that he's taken to befriending stray dogs.. their names are
1) Spotty (after its amazingly dirty spots)
2) Poopsie (who clambered onto george's bed and refused to get out)
3) Poochie (whom he doesnt like so much cause it growls)
i think he has something for names that start with 'P'
staying awake in micro economics is, as my math teacher would have put it, "a herculean task, my child".. which means is too damned difficult.. i seem to have the power to resist his soporific voice, but for only half the hour.. meaning the half is spent looking aimlessly at the graphs on the board (im sure amma is reading this and going, "both these children of mine are wasting money on so called 'education'")
it matters not, for by then, i think im the only one who's awake in the physical sense, missing in the mental, and completely knocked out in the spiritual!
st ignatius is having a party on tuesday, which means we get a break.. we were planning to go to pondicherry, yes.. to get drunk (to mum : would i ever do such a thing).. now my mum is planning to bring me back from chennai i think..
but she will not succeed i say!
for i am superman!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Loyola can be strange at times.. It can be bordering on extremely boring (read: ENGLISH LITERATURE CLASSES) or it can be extremely fun (read: bunking Foundation Courses).. well.. my wallet doesnt allow me to roam around chennai so much.. so abhinandan (not my wallet. HE is a person).. decided to go for Harry Potter (read review below).. however, we planned this a week in advance, seeing as it wouldve been really difficult to get tickets, we went to Citi Center (INOX)
Friday, July 13, 2007
1. I love Kamelot
2. My head spins sorry.. never happened
3. I'm arrogant
4. I have to read fiction - in the newspapers
5. I love Manchester United
6. I always get out of the insane traffic jams
7. I admit to the world here and now that im in love with Kamelot and Manchester United
8. I used to sleep
I tag
Arry (sporadicblogger)
I watched it yesterday and I have to say it was simply brilliant. The movie is not faithful to the book, but what do you expect, the book is 766 pages long. If you're a Harry Potter (book) faithful and you're going to whine in the theater about how they've not put in "this part" or "that part" I suggest you dont watch it. However if you can appreciate good movie making, then go ahead and watch it.
As usual, Daniel Radcliffe's acting (?) is poor. However he's improving. He's learnt to do ONE more expression - anger. Harry is biting everyone's head off in the book, but its not so in the movie. Rupert Grint has done a pretty decent job and you can see that there's flirting between him and Hermione (Emma Watson). Emma Watson has also done a really good job (I've maintained that she was the best actor amongst the three of them). Plus, she looked really really hot (speaking of hot, I suggest you watch for Tonks).
Imelda Staunton has done a really good job as Umbridge. She fits the description exactly. Speaking of fitting descriptions, Luna Lovegood is amazing. She's dreamy (as is weird, not dreamy as in good looking) and her voice matches exactly what I pictured it would be like.
However, I did not like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. I think the late Richard Harris was much better. Gambon is not tall, nor does he wear Half-Moon Glasses. He screams unnecessarily whereas Dumbledore is portrayed as a picture of calm.
Barring a few ridiculous scenes, the movie is really good. If you can accept the fact that its difficult for film makers to convert books into movies, and expect a few scenes to be changed, then you will enjoy the movie. Otherwise, well, you can whine all you want.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
the fact that conductors on the buses dont bother to come up to you to collect money and that you have to play "passing the parcel" with the other passengers to get your money to him and back..
the fact that Guindy station will prosecute Uriners.. and the fact that you can buy Chicken Noodules.. the fact that people dont care that flies cover them completely ..
it is nice. the city.. not the flies.
Anyway, I've been repeating the same music over and over again.. I think i know each and every bit in Kamelot's Wander except for the fact that I cant sing like Khan...
I recall one summer's night
Within the month of June
Flowers in mahogany hair
And smell the earth in bloom
Only such a melody
Comes without a sound
More than faintly heard by those
Who know what they have found
Now it's just a memory
Silently we wander
Into this void of consequence
My shade will always haunt her
But she will be my guiding light
Silently we wander
In search of truth and confidence
So many hopes were lost here
Along the way from morning to night
Meet me by the wishing well
In cover of the moon
Whisper to me tenderly
That I will see you soon
Sing that song from long ago
So I remember you
Flowers in mahogany hair
And mellow days in June
Only for the memory
From ashes we were born
In silence we unite
I especially love the last two lines "From ashes we were born, In silence we unite.." .. this song is the songonification (like personification) of beauty.
it breathes, it speaks out to a hell of a lot of people (not only me, I'm not kooky).... in short.. i love this song.. people who havent heard it.. its Kamelot's Wander.. DOWNLOAD IT! (or buy it if you want to)
Chennai doesnt remind me of this song.. but I like the song anyway... it reminds me of nights.. it reminds me of times gone by as well..
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I know why I'm doing Economics. I Just figured it out. Its because ECONOMICS will explain to me WHY I have no money. B.Com will just explain to me where the money goes. I have to HAVE money to know where it goes. So, I'm doing Economics.
I also plan to own Manchester United, hence, I need money. Therefore, we IMPLY that I took Economics BECAUSE I want to own United. You savvy?
Monday, June 25, 2007
I certainly have the blues.. College is about a week in and the place is a mess.. pretty badly organised (I know Anil is laughing right now *hahaha.. loyola*)
But.. its getting better as all things do.. but I still have the blues..
Sheffield University wants me, but I dont have the money to be with them.. hehe.. tres bien Keshav..
I have a 100% strike rate. Whichever college I apply to, I get in, barring MCC where I got for History though I had applied for Economics.
Oh yes, Stephens, but I didnt expect anything from there!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Tis sad to know that such a move will mean nothing for me in terms of the immediate effect on my wallet.
I also have no sim card to insert into a cell phone.. a Motorola phone which I was forced to take after learning that Camera phones are banned in college. So I had to give my Sony Ericsson k510oi to my sister and mourn its imminent loss (she's sure to lose it)
The thing about Madras is that its very hot. There's no doubt that its very hot and anyone who says its NOT should be dragged around in a gunny sack in the "not hot" streets of the city.
Another thing about Madras is the madness involved when a certain person named Rajnikant is brought up. Sivaji has been unleashed on the world this morning. There's a show at 7.30 AM!
Tickets are sold out until the end of June, which until now, I thought was a good thing for me. But now Babamama has managed to get tickets for all FOUR (3+1) 1 being me.
argh.. so I have no choice but to watch the famed superstar in action. It would be fun to watch him on his home ground .. so far I have only seen him from home which I will henceforth refer to as Old Trafford. (sacrilege, cry the many Manchester United fans reading this page)
Speaking of Reading and Manchester United, United's opening game is against them at home. August the 11th. and also the first of the big four that we face is Chelsea. Home game again. However Reading is the first game ....
and also, speaking of Reading.. I am reading William Dalrymple's "The Last Mughal".. it is good so far (82 pages)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
is where I will be studying as of now.. doing my History Honours. Technically, I'm honoured to be doing history. Actually, I would be honoured getting my degree in itself.
Its a lot of running around I say all this admissions work.. but MCC is absolutely beautiful. the campus.. i havent seen any of the girls there (yet). so i cant comment on the beauty of that! (or them.. rather)
Anyway, it would seem like I'm leaving Kochi tomorrow night. I love Kochi. Its big, but not too big. Its got stuff.. but its also green. Its dirty, but its lovable.
I have no idea what I'm going to do AFTER BA History .. i would like to see how archaelogists have it. I dont fancy digging up the earth though.
However I did try that as a kid.... digging up the earth.. along with breaking the pots with my cricket bat. that was fun..I tried finding Pirate treasure.. i was quite an imaginative kid..I even made my own map.. (drawn in ball point pen)... and pretended that it was drawn by a pirate.. may Pirate Ross the Rum Swiller?
anyway.. I hope i end up DOING something!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
1) taking me around the city
2) charging me the earth for taking me around ONE city
3) their politeness
Coming to Forum Mall
way over rated. its okay. maybe it wouldnt be so over rated if i had enough money to spend. but i think even if i did, i doubt it would make that much of a difference. Landmark is fine.. McD's is great.. the Food Court is fab.. but the others are meh..
Of course, Nike was fine. The loser (Nishanth) fatso (adarsh) and I walked in.. and we were looking at our respective team's jerseys. I was hanging round the Manchester United section. so this girl and some guy were having an argument. the guy goes "Manchester United sucks" .. Nishanth says "I agree". the guy acknowledges him.. and then the girl says "No they dont." and I said "No they dont"..
and then the girl, who is cute (in case i didnt mention), smiles ..
when a cute girl smiles at you.. you're happy
so otherwise. Forum is over rated
Garuda Mall - didnt get enough time to observe this
Shit Valley - where we play football! Alright! now THIS place is bangalore!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
So, left madras at 3 in the morning to reach bangalore at round 6. Air Deccan provides easy service very early in the morning. its a good thing it exists too, otherwise i would be pretty lost.. wouldnt have known what to do.. i came to bangalore to get my applications down to christ and josephs.. have done all that.. now awaiting my CBSE results (damned shit)
the journey here was pretty.. yea.. pretty. i mean, i left madras early morning, so most of the lights were still on there.. mind you, this is like the 3rd time or so im travelling by flight, and the first time in darkness.. so it was kinda cool..
anyway.. the aircraft itself looked like it could be transported back to its real era (probably the 1990's).. anyway.. but i amused myself by looking out at the sprawling city of madras in all its "luminosity"...
while flying though, we had a good looking stewardess, so i was kinda confused as to which direction i should look..... i decided for the 50 50 option.. in the end.. sunrise is magnificent to watch from the air!
anyway, the plane landed and each and every one got out of their seats before they opened the doors.. i was listening to my mp3 player.. so i thought we were asked to get our butts out of there (especiially me, maybe for staring a bit too much).. but i was relieved when the good looking stewardess came back and ordered everyone's butt back into the seat.. everyon sat down..
ive been running around with adarsh and bhavna over here.. im a bit clueless as to WHAT i should do... bhavna is right about my being aimless, but i like it this way.. im sure ill figure out what i want to do when i do my PG (hopefully) ... so i applied for BA courses at Josephs and at Christ.. we'll soon find out which benifits from having me as a student... owe bhavna a lot of thanks.. cause me and adarsh wouldve been quite lost otherwise....
anyway.. colleges apart, i met yatharth and neil.. and got back here (Kamanahalli) right now am at a Sify I way and im so dead tired.. a nightcap a nightcap a nightcap!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
I've only been here for 4 hours.. and its HOT! HOT HOT HOT HOT!
did i mention
anyway.. so i came here and after breakfast lazed around for sometime watching "Here We Go".. after that went for my bath and realised something.. in this place, anything that comes in contact with the air becomes hot automatically.. i realised this when i turned on the tap.. it was cold water (not really) at first, then it became hot!!
anyway, after which i decided to venture out into the intolerable heat..a brave gesture.. for it is ..
anyway, as I had fixed my mind on it.. here i am, trying to download the loyola form at a cafe.. anyone who's at loyola and reading this.. please note.. i cannot download the form..
Well .. with the arrival of the results drawing closer.. ive decided to become more spiritual, religious and devoted.. so me and Nishanth went off .. off to Guruvayur (for all who're reading.. its a Temple town.. Lord Krishna's remains were buried here).... those who havent been there.. let me tell you
the temple is small... but the complex is big.. so what you get is disaster.. anyway.. we got inside (im not going to go in how).. so we get in.. im sure there are atleast a cool 1500 people in.. and we're all pushing and pulling to get a glimpse of the idol..
Suddenly, nishanth and I feel our (natural) football instincts grow back.. and we shoulder push and rough tackle everyone in sight.. from the 60 year old lady to the 2 month old baby.. we were like Patrick Vieira (Nishanth) and Roy Keane (me) ..........
So we punch and push and get to the Ganpathy temple area (Ganesha for all you northies reading).. and there we push and pull.. and we finally get out...
we get out.....................
and there's a long journey back.. by BUS!..
i hate road journeys. i suffer from motion sickness. this compounded by the fact that the bus driver obviously was a lunatic made me feel worse.. but on the bus journey, me and nishanth discussed some interesting things..
1) Football
I concluded that Manchester United rules and he said Manchester United sucks
2) Girls
Our second favourite topic after football.. he was telling me some rot about devotion and faithfulness and etc. etc. and it brought to mind a saying "im not going to be a slave to them, they're gonna be my slaves".. and i said it out loud
and nishanth bursts my bubble by saying.. "i dont know who you're talking about.."
always great to have a friend to bring you back to reality eh?
3) Why each other sucks
4) Why adarsh sucks
5) Cursing the board exams
6) Football
Monday, May 14, 2007
Robin Van Persie
Charlton Athletic versus Arsenal
Paul Scholes
Aston Villa versus Manchester United
Matt Taylor
Portsmouth versus Everton
Michael Essien
Chelsea versus Arsenal
Xabi Alonso
Liverpool versus Newcastle United
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
The first drops hit the earth
And the smell of heaven is given birth
The sky turns grey and darkens in fear
Your awesome power is imminent, I hear
I long for the purity of the rain
To free me of my pain
The sins trapped in me since birth
Take me away, let me leave this earth
When it rains, my heart dances with hope
For liberation, my soul gropes
I pray for it never to end
The darkness makes my soul to bend
I forget my earthly woes and leave
For this insane world I grieve
For those who never look to the skies
Those are the ones with venemous cries
Rob the earth of its beauty
And forget their sacred duty
Look to the skies on a rainy night
Look into the streaks of lightning burning bright
Salvation and hope lie ahead
Not for those who keep the earth dead
And for those who let her be
Divine light, you will see
Monday, May 07, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
well.. metalcore.. it was 4 against one.. but luckily Cecil's IPod was there.. which i, with my lightning quick reflexes, took from him.. and started listening to Kamelot
I love Kamelot.. i love everything.. from Roy Khan's voice to Youngblood's guitar work.. of course Hareesh doesnt like Power Metal.. he prefers the heavy riffing of Metalcore.. Death Metal.. Thrash Metal.. etc etc.. along with Cecil.. David and Zakaria would listen to anything.. so it didnt matter to them
I cant stand growls.. it gets a bit tedious after a while.. i mean.. i do like a few songs.. (very few)..
but well..... im not too sure ill grow into it either..
Sunday, April 29, 2007
then it looks at me with its eyes (i know there's no other way it can see) and tells me "TAKE ME IN YOU IDIOT"
I really am tempted to.. but achan says no.. tinuviel (my cat) is bound to get scared and will most likely attack her because of Hobbes (tinuviel's kid)
she gave birth a couple of weeks back.. sadly we lost 3. Hobbes is the only smart one there. She seemed really sad when we took the bodies of the other one's away. Understandable. Mother's concern. In fact, when it came to number 3 she started crying (not literally.. meowing crying).. i felt really sorry for her then..
Hobbes was one chap (im not sure of the gender).. it hangs on to her belly most of the time.. the other buggers had no idea what to do. survival of the fittest i guess..
maybe i can convince mohammad ikka to take the cat outside.
Friday, April 27, 2007
1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it
Scar - Hmm...................... the time I fell down while playing football on the road.. well.. i was playing on the road.. and i get the ball (pretend im ruud van nistelrooy) "Its Ruud with the ball.. he's got past one.. he's clear.. there's no goalkeeper.. he kicks the ball.. and.. he goes through the goalposts.. and the ball follows!"
2. What is on the walls in your room?
err.. posters.. Maiden posters.. two of em.. Ozzy.. Arjen Robben... Hendrix..
3. What does your phone look like.
4. What music do you listen to?
Heavy Metal.. lots of Iron Maiden.. Power Metal.. i like Kamelot.. Nightwish.. erm.. thrash metal.. Megadeth, Pantera, Testament......... lots of stuff...
5. What is your current desktop picture?
Francesco Totti sucking his thumb
6. What do you want more than anything right now?
I want to reverse time and be able to watch Maiden perform in Bangalore. I missed it.
7. Do you believe in gay marriage?
well.. i DO believe in it.. because its legal in Holland and the Czech Republic.. i think..
8. What time were you born?
11 AM methinks
9. Are your parents still together?
10. What are you listening to?
listening to my mum talk on the phone
11. Do you get scared of the dark?
yea.. right..
12. The last person to make you cry?
Iron Maiden.
13. What is your favourite perfume/cologne?
Axe.. very stereotyped.
14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the opposite sex?
Hair - I want a bald girlfriend. seriously though.. it doesnt matter...
15. Do you like pain killers?
Painkiller? in the singular yes.. a cracking song........ .......... painkillers.. as in the tablets.. well.. if i suffer from some sort of pain.
16. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
17. Fave pizza topping?
any non veg topping would do.. though i like mushrooms a lot..
18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
19. Who was the last person you made mad?
my mum
20. Is anyone in love with you?
you .. because you're reading my blog.. if you're not in love with me.. you must be insane!
I tag.. karishma (if she's reading).. AJ.. mum.. anil (if he cares to), meera (yes, meera) and.......... anyone who wants to..
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Jose Mourinho Eats Burger
Jose Mourinho allegedly left Stamford Bridge early for a McDonalds to eat a burger. Symptomatic of the decaying relations between Mourinho and Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich is the fact that Mourinho did not invite Abramovich.
Although the contents of the burger are not known, the price is rumoured to be around 100 Million Dollars. Could this be Mourinho's new signing? Stamford Bridge refused comment.
However, when contacted, Jose Mourinho said, "We are good.. so we eat burger.. others drink soup."
Roman Abramovich said, "I feel hurt that Jose ate a burger without inviting me and the rest of the team.."
No Shorts for Number 7!
Sources at Old Trafford said that there arent any shorts that fit United Number 7, Cristiano Ronaldo. Allegedly, a clause in the Portuguese winger's new contract states that he will get all his shorts from a different source than United's sponsor - Nike.
Whether this could be a clue as to Ronaldo's poor eating habits, we do not know.
Captain Gary Neville issued the following statement, "Bollocks".
Fabregas suffers from vision impairment
Arsenal Coach, Arsene Wenger, admitted that Spanish Midfielder Francesc Fabregas suffers from vision impairment. Wenger said on friday night, "Zis is a really big problam for ze squad. Cesc is not able to zee very cleaarly. Zis resulted in him putting ze ball in his own net against Reading at ze Emirates Stadium."
Fabregas is determined to fight off his impairment. The Spanish International said, "Paul Scholes had a problem with his eye sight. I'm not as good as Paul Scholes, but I will try..."
Paul Scholes meanwhile said, "Eh?"
Friday, April 13, 2007
But Trees are way too beautiful not to be around. I wish I could go around planting trees on the side of the road. But its virtually impossible.
1) It will take a hell of a lot of time to grow (I have no patience)
2) Someone is sure to dump garbage over it.
Its a pity that garbage disposal is one of the main problems in our state. Kerala is very beautiful. Especially during the monsoon season. Its breathtaking. The rains, lightning showers .. the swaying of trees in the distance. Magnificent.
But we have Garbage all round on the road. I mean, tourists STILL visit Cochin even though the garbage problem exists. What will happen if we get RID of all the muck on the street. We're sure to get more tourists. But.. the State Government is stupid. They dont know what they're missing out. They dont know a thing in fact, except how to line their own pockets.
We can beautify this place. Simple steps are all thats required.
1) Dump your garbage in the correct place. Not by the side of the road. Atleast the corporation collects the garbage that you put in the right bins.
2) Plant trees. Look after them. They're beautiful!
3) Be Polite to tourists. Not polite as in go out of your way to help them. Though I see nothing wrong in this. If they ask you for directions.. point them in the right direction, dont give them wrong directions.
Dont fight the system. Its futile. Instead, try and do what the system has been failing to do. Its our city, our state and our country after all. Sure we have a few corrupt chaps as MPs, but we can do better than them for sure.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
As a kid, I've had the privilege of attending MANY a doctors conference (nowadays, I do my best to avoid them). Most of the ones that I attend are "family" events, though I may have attended a couple of doctors workshops or conferences as a volunteer. In this case, I was forced to sit through the entire "I would NOT recommend surgery, however there is a new drug called Phenobarbiton.. which .. blah blah"
The scary thing is. Doctors are your friendly medical aide in the mornings. At Night Time, they change into WILD PARTY ANIMALS! No kidding. I'm serious. They all get drunk on whisky and cheap scotch during such conferences, and EVERYTHING is a mess. A Conference is a good conference when there's whisky. Its worth remembering.
Its pretty scary though. You realise that you've put your life in the hands of this lot! Oh My god! What have I done. I mean.. do you really want a drunk person cracking really bad jokes performing delicate surgery on you (I agree, they're not drunk when they perform surgery, hopefully, but there is that side to them!)?
Cracking bad jokes is a must for doctors. They think its really funny. I have so far had the privelege to meet 2 geniuinely funny doctors. The rest crack jokes almost as bad as mine. Ever heard of the Ophthalmologist who asked his guests if they wanted "glasses".
Next time you go to a doctor, keep your wits about you.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Kids are fun. Sometimes, I wish I was a kid again, to go back and do things right. Maybe I'll turn out much better then. But no, then I think. Oh crap! I've to relive all this again! Then I think, maybe its BETTER that I DONT become a kid again.
Who wants to write two board exams again?
Who wants to go through the whole process of learning to ride a bicycle? I mean. I hated LEARNING. Now that I know, I dont mind reading. Learning it was such a painful process. Its because I kept falling. I remember this one time I skinned my knee REALLY badly.
I've gotten hurt quite badly a couple of times. Take this one time. I was playing football on the road (Really hot. So, the road is hot as well right). Anyway, somebody plays me in with a fantastic through ball, which is quite hard, cause the road is really small. I was always a Ruud Van Nistelrooy fan, so I go.. RUUD! Will he finish.. he kicks.. and he stumbles.. falls.. ruud is sliding through past the makeshift goalposts (two stones) and ruud.. and the ball follows him.. GOAL!
Meanwhile, Ruud's leg is skinned real bad. you can still see the scars on my left leg. It took one week of going to the hospital and getting it dressed with magnesium something. hurt like hell.
but beat this.
a week later, Ruud is back in action. HE REPEATS THE FEAT!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
There is no plot.
Messenger 1: Give us earth and water?
King: Sorry man, this isnt an Inn.
Messenger: Xerxes asks you for earth and water.
King: well, if you go down the road, and take a right, you'll see an inn. ask for bob.
King: What? you insulted me. and my wife.
MessengeR: I never insulted your wife..
King: You lying bastard. Meet me at the plains of godforsaken land by the sea. But wait, before that LET ME KILL YOU.
*pushes guy into the well*
King: THIS IS SPARTA. Not some random Inn!
King: I shall go seek the help of the council of elders, who are sure to refuse helping me. Especially since one guy is a selfish bastard.
Council: The weird guys with leprosy said you cant go
King: Yea, but look..
Council: NO . NO WAR. Lets just perish here instead. Much more fun.
King: Right, im just gonna take my bodygaurds who cant die.
Council: Oh well, no point in stopping him.
*Kings bodyguards go and kick the butt of a million men*
Xerxes: Man, this king is kicking my ass. And this weird costume isnt helping me think.
Freak: Help me, and ill help you.
Xerxes: Oh lord, someone take this monster out of my siight!!
Freak: You bitch, listen to me.. I can help you beat that guy.
Xerxes: Okay okay, blindfold me first though. Geez, and I thought I was a freak. All because of those GROW LONG tablets dad made me have.
Freak: I'm beginning to wonder why I'm helping him.
Xerxes: Right, I'll give you loads of hot weird girls if you help me out. I really dont know WHY these hot girls listen to me. I could well be a girl, if not for my freaky voice.
Freak: yea yea.. just shut up and follow me alright?
*Freak, who is a traitor, helps Xerxes kill our King friend*
King: Ahh, tell the story of the brave 300.
Weird Director: Sure, let me convert it into a boring movie.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Iron Maiden is back. Not only is Iron Maiden back, but they’re here, for the first time. Rather, they will be here on March 17th. Those of you who want to go but haven’t bought your tickets, please visit I’m not so sure about the availability of the tickets.
Anyway, the show is part of their “A Matter of Life and Death tour”. The tour revolves around their 14th Studio Album – A Matter of Life and Death. There was much excitement amongst fans because this was Maiden’s 14th studio album, twice the number of Maiden’s 7th album – Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Rumours had it that this was going to be a Conceptual Album, but it is not.
The album cover seems pretty cheesy to me, but it is certainly better than its predecessor – Dance of Death. Eddie standing atop a tank with zombie skeleton warriors isn’t my idea of a great album cover, but Maiden has never been known for good album covers.
The album starts off with the song Different World, that’s when it strikes me, “Damn, Maiden has done another Dance of Death.” It isn’t so; the first song somehow reminds me of Wildest Dreams from the Dance of Death album. This is probably because I find both songs to be poor album openers compared to the other album openers. It is certainly not in the same range as that of Moonchild or Caught Somewhere in Time. Don’t get me wrong. I think the song is quite catchy, a sing along type chorus. I just didn’t think it is the perfect song to put as the album opener.
The second song, well, it never aroused much interest, one of two songs in the album which I rarely listen to and skip most of the time. “These Colors Don’t Run” is a quote from Bruce Dickinson’s rant in 2005 at Ozzfest after the Egg throwing incident. Well, the song doesn’t have anything to do with eggs or Ozzy or Sharon Osbourne even. The song describes a soldiers feelings as he is about to leave for war and gives his view of why he joined the army. The line “For the passion, for the money, for the glory, for the memory” clearly indicates that.
Brighter than a thousand suns, well, the song title itself is a line from Judas Priest’s Painkiller. And the song is mind blowing. This album is pretty much about long songs, three of them clocking over 8 minutes. Brighter than a thousand suns is one of them. The song is about the nuclear bomb. The explosion obviously is what resembles the light from a thousand suns. The lyrics of the song are good, but not great. All in all, BTATS is a song that clearly defines the album.
The pilgrim follows next, with riffs and melodies that remind me of the sands of Arabia. I suppose that’s what it is supposed to do, because The Pilgrim seems to be about the Templar Knights or at least set in a period of religious turmoil. We will have to wait for Maiden to confirm that. This is another song with quite a catchy chorus, and Bruce sounds fantastic.
The Longest Day, well, when I first played the song, and heard about a minute of it, I thought, this song is great. I wasn’t disappointed by the rest of the song either because it is fantastic. The song gives a soldier’s thoughts as he sits in the ship, awaiting a landing, probably Normandy. The lyrics, as usual are very realistic and the chorus is something that makes you feel sorry for the soldiers doing an empire’s dirty work
“Sliding, we go, only fear on our side,
To the Edge of the wire
And we rush with the tide
Oh the water is red,
With the blood of the dead
But I’m still alive, pray to god I survive”
Out of the shadows is one of the introspective songs that Maiden put on practically all their albums. We had Rainmaker in Dance of Death and Blood Brothers in Brave New World. The song, like its predecessors on the other albums, does not disappoint. My first thought as I played this song was, “Oh, Bruce has a cold, why is he singing”. I think he does this purposely. What? Sing like he has a cold, you’re asking? No. He’s given the song a particular effect with a nasal twang. I know it sounds ridiculous to you, but listen to the parts other than the chorus, it doesn’t sound like the Bruce singing on the other songs.
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg, well with a name like that you’d think the song was crap. You’re absolutely right. The song is pretty stereotyped. A Dave Murray written song, clearly realized thanks to the bluesy intro. The song was the first single from the album, quite a poor choice for a single. I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the album after I heard the song. Anyway, don’t get prejudiced about Dave Murray’s songwriting capabilities, he was the one who wrote Brave New World, Charlotte the Harlot, and Judas be my Guide. A poor effort this one though, the main riff is pretty ordinary and the lyrics seem to be the only saving grace. Who is Benjamin Breeg? God knows. If you want to know, ask Bruce when he comes down. If you’re going for the concert, start a chant “Who is Benjamin Breeg, who is Benjamin Breeg.”
For the greater good of God is a song that clock over nine minutes. The song is written by Steve Harris, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out though. That’s because the song has got a bass intro, all Maiden songs with bass intros are written by Steve Harris (almost). The song itself is about religious wars. About how many people kill in the name of religion, and glorify themselves.
“A wolf in sheep’s clothing
Or Saintly or Sinner
Or some that would believe
A Holy War Winner”
The song is a typical Harris type song, and features a three guitar solo duel, which in my opinion is fantastic.
Lord of Light is the next song according to the album sleeve, and it is brilliant. I loved it from the first listen. It is fast, energetic and quite radio friendly. A bit like Wicker Man from Brave New World except that it is longer.
The legacy starts with acoustic guitar work and Bruce singing in a strangely eerie way. The song progresses with Harris putting out something different from his normal galloping bass. The song is again 9 minutes, and it is quite good. It is one of the best songs of the album.
Summing up, Maiden has changed nothing. It’s the same basic formula that rode them to success with Killers and The Number of the Beast. The only thing that has possibly changed is the fact that they are putting out longer songs, songs that clock over 7 minimum. This I think is in tune with people who like more progressive music nowadays. It is not progressive metal like Dream Theater or Rush, it is progressive heavy metal of Iron Maiden.
Iron Maiden rarely walks on roads with a lot of traffic. They are not interested in breaking into say, growl vocals, or perform live with an orchestra. Iron Maiden is Iron Maiden, and nothing anyone says or does, is going to change that. People can complain that they rarely change their style of music playing, or they use the same chords in most of their songs. Silly arguments I feel. I listen to Iron Maiden because I want to listen to good old Heavy Metal. If I wanted to listen to complex and progressive songs, I would throw on a Dream Theater or Liquid Tension Experiment disc.
The album is released by EMI and is available for Rs 350 (legally) or free (illegally). Or you can do both, like I did, download the album give it a listen, if you like it, buy it. Iron Maiden doesn’t have much against piracy. Bruce himself said, “Buy it only if you like it.”
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Dull days always tick slower. It is an unwritten law of nature. Exciting/Fun/Any other day ticks much faster. I wonder why. It is probably psychological, but I’m not a psychologist or a therapist of any sort, so I doubt I should be dwelling on the weirder aspects of that.
Time is actually quite funny an aspect. I mean, do you know it exists unless someone told you how to read the days and how to look at a calendar. As a kid, you were told, “this is the minute hand, that is the second hand and the other is the hour hand”. I used to like the hour hand. It was small. I’m still small.
No seriously though. How do you know time exists? If someone hadn’t told me that time exists, I wouldn’t bother looking into it too much. Let us just say, I wouldn’t have been one of the “great inventors of the world”, even when there was everything left to be invented/discovered.
Discovery; it mostly happens by accident, and then the people who discovered it are revered and honored like Gods. I wish I could discover something. At most when I’m doing a problem in math, oh God, please let me discover that the answer in the text book is wrong. But no, God doesn’t grant me that wish either. I suppose there’s a reason for that. He probably may want me to prove that MATH DOESN’T EXIST!
*Insert funky Chinese Music here*
I have nothing against math. It is just that I could never do it right. I wouldn’t mind doing math if I didn’t have an examination to prepare for. I mean, it is pretty interesting isn’t it. You’ve to use your head a lot. Then again, I wouldn’t mind doing anything so long as I don’t have an exam to prepare for. Accountancy, Business Studies (Commerce, for those who haven’t read the name on the textbook), English (err) or Math, would be so much more fun.
You know what would be an effective way to grade you? Not telling you that they’re grading you and doing it in secret! Ah, that would be great; no one would pass/achieve great things. There would be no achievers and there would be no under achievers. There would just be people.
How I long for a time when people aren’t breaking their necks, just to prove that they’re better than the other person in the world. Actually, I’m not so sure I would want that, because that’s the primary element that keeps sports running.
Would Man U care to finish top in the table if it didn’t matter? No, I don’t think so. So it should be that it matters in sports and doesn’t matter elsewhere. Ah, what a life!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My earliest memory of the monsoon is as a kid. When we used to get weekends off, on Saturdays, I would come to the front of the house and sit on the chair three times too big for me and stare outside at the downpour. I would prefer not to be disturbed while doing so, and the maid at home used to be a little concerned. I was probably around 5 (the furthest I can remember). How often do you see a five year old sit on the porch and watch the rain?
It used to be fantastic having to go to school in the rain. It gave me an excuse to get wet. Of course, I used to travel to school by an overcrowded auto rickshaw, but I did my best to get wet all the same. I would leave home wearing a new raincoat (I would invariably lose one every year), or with a new umbrella, either mum or dad escorting me to the front gate. Often I used to have my sister with me in the auto, but there was a period when she shifted schools, so I had to travel alone (ironically, there were about 13 people or so squeezed into the auto).
The auto driver would do his best to make sure that we kids wouldn’t get wet. There was a plastic sheet (blue in color and very dirty I might add) which used to cover both the entrance to auto and the “window”. I used to sit near the window because the sheet wouldn’t completely cover the window because up front the driver (his name was Sebastian) would have to stick his hand out occasionally to indicate the direction he was going to go in.
Of course, the most fun part of going to school was gone. The Physical Education period was gone, when we used to run like mad people on to the field and play a game of cricket. We couldn’t play cricket in the rain, and none of us were football crazy. So we used to sit in class and play indoor games, mainly ones that we made up. There was “chess” (not the real thing, but one that involved a 3 by 3 matrix drawn on a book and a few items such as erasers and sharpeners), Name Place Animal Thing (a fascinating game which increased my knowledge) and word ending (which could be played with normal words or with countries, places, etc). There was also the occasional rebel who used to run around the class and play indoor cricket with a few people he bullied.
Coming back to the topic, I wonder why people hate the rain nowadays. It makes life difficult in a couple of ways. It stops traffic, can cause power cuts (we didn’t have power for three days last year due to a storm) and generally make life hell. But isn’t that the wonderful part of rain, the fact that something as simple as water, can take you away from all these modern inventions and necessities and make you invent new (or recreate old) ways to entertain yourself?
I mean, last year, as I mentioned, we didn’t have power for three days. Terrible storm it was, it happened when I was out. I got wet obviously; I enjoy walking in the rain. Anyway, we didn’t have power, and so going online was ruled out, turning on the TV was ruled out. My source of music was cut off because the computer couldn’t be turned on. So what did I do, I called a friend over and we played scrabble. I practiced on my guitar more frequently. I wrote a couple of poems (about the rain, if you must know). And I also went for walks in the rain.
I love walking in the rain. It refreshes your senses and clears your thoughts. Of course, if you are walking in the rain, I recommend you wear three fourths or shorts. Do not wear jeans, the bottom will get dirty and it will just annoy you throughout your walk. Don’t wear sneakers, floaters are fine and preferably water proof ones. I mean the ones that don’t absorb water.
Walking in the rain in my opinion is the most effective way of relaxing. Especially in West Cochin, when it rains, it practically brings life to a stand still. So there’s very little traffic around, which is a good thing for your walks. No traffic, no noise, more time for thinking. Thinking about what you may ask. Anything, think about anything; The India US Nuclear Deal, the Railway Budget, your past, your future, your present or even why you like walking in the rain. For those who live in Kerala, if you haven’t tried it. Try it this monsoon.
While walking in the rain, you meet an occasional nut who will ask you why you’re walking in the rain and will suggest to a friend or relative that you are mentally unstable for walking in the rain. In Kerala, it is impossible for people to mind their own business. For example, yesterday mum looked out of the window and saw someone walking. The person looked like someone we knew, so mum thought it was him. The man came down the road leading to our place and mum shouts to dad “Just check if it is so and so.” It wasn’t so and so, it was probably some man walking to reduce his weight, something I might suggest to both mum and dad.
Anyway, the people who call you insane don’t worry about them. Just ignore them. They don’t know what they’re missing out on. What is better than walking in the rain is walking immediately after the rain, before the sun comes out? After the rain, there’s a beautiful smell that fills the earth. The smell supposedly attracts snakes, but I don’t care. I’m with the snakes on this one. The smell is heavenly.
For all those people who haven’t witnessed the Kerala Monsoon, I say, come down here and experience it. Its magnificent, it is beautiful. Do nothing other than stare at the rain falling down from the heavens.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
And yet, I feel sleepy. Plus, the television has decided to show good movies. Oscar Fever. What a time.. geez.
Coming to the reason why I should be kept away from the internet. THE BOARD EXAM *dun dun dun*
The Board Exam was devised as a way to equally assess all the school leaving students of India. Very noble thought. Obviously, if colleges looked at your school leaving marks, "certain" schools would do their best to give you the highest possible marks.
It is not equally assessing shit. There are three sets for each paper. Everyone knows that. Set A, Set B and Set C, but that okay, because the questions differing in each set are pretty much the same level.
Whats NOT fair, is that there are three different papers ENTIRELY. They're called "Foreign, Delhi and Outside Delhi" (There's also the Compartment for those who are interested). I've got this book that has question papers of the past 6 years. Of these, it has the Delhi Papers and the Outside Delhi papers and the Compartment ones.
It doesnt take a genius to figure out the fact that the Outside Delhi paper is tougher than the Delhi Paper. Then I wonder, why does Delhi have a paper to itself? Because its the capital of the country. I would like a paper for Kochi, because, say.. its the Queen of the Arabian Sea. If there any CBSE Personnel reading this, please leave a comment and tell me why Delhi gets a separate paper. Is it too exclusive to fall under the Outside Delhi Category?
Screw the fact that papers are different. Our exams are subject to the "Human Element", as they say in our Business Studies Textbook. Meaning, our answer scripts are corrected by Humans. What Fun. That means, they could be in a good (generous) or bad (stingy) mood. Depending on your luck, you get a good examiner or a bad examiner. I pray I get a good one :D. Doesnt everyone?
Our papers, one year of hardwork (okay, maybe one month, one week or one day) are tossed around in these huge sacks and carried around from place to place. Who's responsible for the loss/destruction of the answer script. What does the CBSE care if one answer script is lost/destroyed? What does anyone care.
I might be overreacting (as most people who have already written their boards will say), but I would like to know the answers to these questions
PS: Fulham lost to Man U
late winner by Cristiano Ronaldo. Matchwinner
Thursday, February 08, 2007
And the reds go marching on…
After the away defeat to Arsenal, it was up to the Red Devils to prove that one defeat did not see them slip out of the game.
Did they do it in style or what? Consecutive 4-0 wins in the premiership against struggling side
The second one was what shut up critics (maybe not ALL of them). They played a first half that was smudged because of referee Mark Clattenburg’s decisions. He had a tough time from the first whistle. Scholes going in for a few rough tackles early on. It is difficult for referee’s to hand out cards that early in the game. It would set a standard to which they would have to abide throughout the game.
However, Clattenburg got a few crucial decisions wrong. Henrik Larsson was fouled in the penalty box and a penalty wasn’t awarded to United. Clattenburg wasn’t placed very well for making that decision, but that’s not an excuse. Its his job to be placed correctly.
United Captain Gary Neville, for reasons best known to him, grabbed on to Spurs defender Chimbonda as a free kick came into United’s penalty box. I underline CAPTAIN, because Neville shouldn’t resort to such methods to hold off his opponents. Would you see John Terry or Steven Gerrard do that? And Neville has more experience than either of them.
Now the third decision. Ronaldo is such a convincing actor that when he dived, Clattenburg was SURE he was fouled and awarded United a penalty! Ronaldo converted, put United up. 1-0 united.
Second half and United win a corner. Now, John Terry is in my opinion the best header of the ball presently. There are only three people I think are capable of winning a header against Terry.
1) Peter Crouch – because of his sheer height
2) Fabio Cannavaro – On his day
3) Stand up.. Nemanja Vidic
The way Vidic attacks the ball as its flighted by Carrick is a sight. He sees Ronaldo go for the same ball and decides, no no, this is mine. It found the back of the net.
The third goal, Paul Scholes, perennial, nearly made a mess of it. He does his best to screw up but the ball says, oh hell, I’m going in!
After three goals, Spurs marking was way off. Their defence was in shamble. A fresh pair of legs come on in the form of Louis Saha and picks out Ryan Giggs with a fantastic through ball. Giggs has only Robinson to beat, and he finishes.
United did make a few mistakes towards the end. Ferdinand gave the ball away to Keane, fortunately Keane couldn’t convert.
I also found out what position John O’Shea plays best.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ask a Man United fan their prediction for this season and most will say “The Treble, again!”
The idea of Man U doing the treble seems laughable, even for me, a Man U fan (I would be really happy if they do pull off the treble). Football however unpredictable isn’t undecipherable.
Man U’s fixtures after the Christmas don’t seem too good. They have to play away games at Stamford Bridge, The Millennium Stadium, Anfield and Fratton Park. Yes, Fratton Park as well. Portsmouth will give Man U a good run for their money on their

The home game against Chelsea was an “even Steven” game at 1-1. A costly error by full back Gabriel Heinze costing them 3 points, which allowed Ricardo Carvalho to head the ball in.
I may hate Chelsea for staying so close to Man U’s heels, but their master tactician, Jose Mourinho will never EVER let them lose a home game, especially one so crucial. So let us just assume Man U forfeits three points there.
Anfield is a fortress. Sure, Arsenal penetrated that fortress. However Jersey Dudek was keeping and I think that was what cost them. Rosicky’s goals seemed savable. Gerrard (Stevie G himself) didn’t go for the block. A piss poor performance by Liverpool that day, still they’re unbeaten at home in the premiership. Not good reading for Man U again.
Man U’s victories seem to depend on the man on fire. Stand up Cristiano Ronaldo. The game against Wigan was proof enough. I don’t think Wigan is exactly a weak

Man of the Moment - Cristiano Ronaldo
Paul Scholes is another player who will have an impact on Man U’s performance this season (he has had an impact on their performance every season actually). If Scholes plays well, he controls Man U’s game (except for their tackling of course).

Man U’s got a problem with their defence as well. Yes, Vidic is a fantastic find, nobody would deny it. He’s a threat from set pieces and brings about solidity to the defence as well. Lets just see who’s come on in if for example one of the defenders get injured or suspended (God forbid). Right back, we have JOHN O SHEA! Brilliance, what a dynamic player (sarcasm). Center Half we have WES BROWN (hmm..) and MIKAEL SILVESTRE (the most useless person to play Center Half, actually it’s a close call between him and Khalid Boulahrouz, and maybe even Boumsong, Bramble could also fall into this category).
The only good replacement they have in defence is in the left back position. Patrice Evra and Gabriel Heinze. Both are prone to mistakes. They’re not exactly brilliant Maldini standards or anything, but they’re good enough, come up with overlaps and stuff. Speaking of overlaps, its hard to tell whether Gary Neville is a midfielder a Right Forward or a Right back.
Total Football? Hardly.
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Well.. 2006 passed like that.. yes .. exactly.. just like that.. and for those of you for whom it didnt pass like that, ye be lucky.
My moments of 2006
January - nothing.
February - nothing
March - Writing John's exams (eegh)
April - Nothing
May - John's results (yes.. my results)
June - #@%#$^W@#$^@$
July - Italy, The Headbutt and Head Boy moment
August - Turning 17
September - New Cousin
October - hmm
November - ohh yes november
December - argh!
My songs of 2006 (the ones i liked most, it may not be released in 06)
Most of Maiden's A Matter of Life and Death
Dream Theater - 6.00 and Under a Glass Moon
Funeral For a Friend - Roses for the Dead
Morrissey - Irish Blood, English Heart
Shakira - Hips Dont Lie
Herbert Gronemeyer - Celebrate the Day
Audioslave - Like a Stone
etc etc.
Happy new year again
I promise to post regularly.